February 7, 2025


Yo Quiero Techno

“Elsewhere” by Photographer Francisco Gonzalez Camacho

A meditative series by Spanish artist Francisco Gonzalez Camacho. Based in Helsinki, Francisco is currently working toward his Master’s degree in Photography at Aalto University. His practice focuses on themes of family, mortality, and the connectedness between landscape and self. In “Elsewhere,” Francisco explores the idea of displacement with nature emerging as a coping mechanism and transcendental space. The ongoing project, developed over the last two years in Finland, combines elements of poetic narration, references to pictorialism, and the use of infrared photography:

“In this work I explore the use of the landscape as a cathartic relief to deal with the feelings of isolation involved in the process of immigrating to a foreign country. The resulting immersion in nature opened a new dialog with the environment, acting as a reminder of our insignificance in the cosmic scale, but also about our connectedness with the landscape, sometimes forgotten. The fleeting moments of magical realism captured in this series aim to condense the fragility of time, to suspend the real world, creating a bridge to a new one.”

“Elsewhere” was selected as one of the winners of our 2022 Art & Photo Book Award. With support from Artmobile, we helped Francisco turn his lovely series into a book! If you want the opportunity to publish a book of your own work, you can now apply for the 2023 Art & Photo Book Award.

For the design of his photobook Francisco worked with a graphic designer Amelie Scharffetter. Check out more images from “Elsewhere” below!

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